Diamond solutions since 1937
Levanto is the leading manufacturer of diamond tools in Finland; we offer diamond solutions based on our own production and imported products of highest quality. We represent strong Finnish knowledge and compete of top markets in the world with other diamond tool manufacturers. We are based in Kauniainen, Finland, and we are known for high quality and our product development.
High quality diamond solutions
Levanto has offered diamond tools for working with stone based materials since 1937. We have endeavored to maintain our competitiveness through cooperation with our customers.

Knowledge and continuous research
We know Finnish stone and our continuous research aims for better products, developing more reasonable production processes and through that towards more productivity. Our product development team is young and innovative and we have raised to a new level of quality. We have been able to challenge all our biggest competitors in all cases. It doesn’t mean anything that we are a small company, it is the product that seals the deal. Our long-term partners have achieved clear savings and benefited of our quality tools.
A responsible and sustainable company with quality throughout production
Our goal is to constantly improve the quality of our products and service: this is done on all the stages of the production chain to ensure competitive products.
Our standards have been developed to comply with the ISO 9001 quality system.
As an environmentally conscious company we also follow the requirements set out in the ISO 14001 environmental management system.
We are a proud member of the newly launched SEAM Program. SEAM is a new European program focused on sustainability: SEAM – Sustainable European Abrasive Manufacturers. The program was launched in January 2020 and the objective of the SEAM program is to support and assist abrasive manufacturers on their way towards sustainable growth and sustainability improvements, mostly in production and distribution. To be approved into the program, all the member companies had to meet a series of minimum requirements organized into the three fundamental pillars of sustainability: environment, labor and economy.
We are also a member of FEPA, the Federation of European Producers of Abrasives, which is an association representing over 80% of the European producers of abrasive products, a world leader, including SMEs and international companies in the world, as well as the abrasives National Associations and their members. FEPA members cover 90% of abrasives European production, exporting 35% of it in the world.
FEPA’s missions, aside from representing the European abrasive industry, are to promote abrasives produced in Europe, to inform members on the evolution of the regulatory framework in Europe and worldwide, to support the producers with a range of technical, legal and scientific services, and to anticipate future challenges in the abrasives sector.
We are a member of the The International Association of Concrete Drillers & Sawers, IACDS. The organization represents the associations, companies and professionals of the concrete drilling and sawing industry around the globe.
Read more about us on Levanto General Brochure.pdf