Leading manufacturers of diamond tools in co-operation
Levanto is the leading manufacturer of diamond tools in Finland; we offer diamond solutions based on our own production and imported products of highest quality. In addition to the diamond tool manufacturing, Levanto imports and distributes the leading manufacturers of diamond tools and machines such as ADI, GÖLZ, KGS, SHIBUYA, SHINHAN and TENAX.

ADI´s selection includes a broad variety of high-quality diamond tools like the CNC-tools. For materials like granite, artificial stone and many other ceramic materials ADI offers effective finger bits designed with advanced technology. ADI´s selection also includes special tools for specialized industries like the glass industry.

GÖLZ offers a broad variety of strong machines for professional use. In our selection you´ll find different kind of table saws, core drills and hand-held power tools. The GÖLZ products is designed for your safety and comfort as well as the effective and easy use. Our newest products in the selection is a wall chaser and a core drill.

Marini Quarries Group is worldwide leader in the production of machinery and equipment for drilling and diamond wire cut in marble and granite quarries as well as in civil engineering applications. The know how acquired in 30 years of professional growth and the wide assistance network make Marini Quarries Group an ideal partner to supply either single machines or whole projects plants in any part of the world.

NTT Coresaw is a patented industrial level machine for cutting bore hole samples. The cutting process is fully automated and monitored which drastically increases productivity and efficiency. The machines CoreProTM automation system maximises the speed of the core sample cutting process, and compiles data from the sawing process. The NTT Coresaw is widely used by mining and prospecting companies.

Levanto operates as the sole distributor and has exclusive rights for the SHIBUYAs product categories. To the selection that SHIBUYA offers includes many high quality core drilling machines for drilling in concrete, stone and tile. For example the practical and compact core drill SHIBUYA TS095 is one of the many popular products we have to offer.

TENAX offers high quality products used for manual and automatic fixing, patching and gluing of marble, granite and concrete materials. To the selection includes solid, semi-solid and liquid stone glues either transparent or with color as well as UV-glues. The TENAX products used for stone protection highlights the stones own beauty, protects the stone from external substances, and enhance the preservation of the original tint of rock.